...And I Know It Wasn't Right, But It Felt So Good

Hi all! Today's post is gonna be a quick one. I've been in seminars for the last 2 days and the mountain of work that's piled up on my desk is threatening to suffocate me. Or force me to flee to Yemen. Not sure quite yet. Just singles today, and I'm also gonna include tracks off the forthcoming Better Than Ezra album "Before The Robots." It is a fine return to form for New Orlean's native sons. Please support them and buy the album when it is released. For your listening (dis)pleasure:
P.S.~ :siiiigh: This made me so happy I honestly can't put it into words. Link to New Order playing "Love Will Tear Us Apart" live on The Jimmy Kimmel Show. Goddamn I miss Ian Curtis.
Link to "Love Will Tear Us Apart"