Did You Never Call? I Waited For Your Call. These Rivers Of Suggestion Are Driving Me Away.

I know someone who once accused Michael Stipe of being a fraud. As she recounted her story which mainly consisted of her razzing R.E.M.'s lead singer through a hole in the fence backstage for forgetting the words to Find The River while performing in Las Vegas I thought to myself; is this kind of behavior something I would've condoned when I was younger? Or rather when I was more naive? I used to think that musicans were untouchable. The images force fed to me on MTV led me to believe that my heros could do no wrong, that whether they fucked up or let some poor fan down they could and would be excused. I'd like to think that in my formative years I would've done the same thing as the hero of this story: called someone out on their obvious fuck up and not relented until they rectified the situation. Even though she didn't know me back then, she'd probably pat me on the head and, with a sly smile say "sure you would've tiger. Sure you would've." For your listening (dis)pleasure, songs off of R.E.M.'s Eponymous collection:
R.E.M. : So. Central Rain (highly rec'd!!)
R.E.M. : Fall On Me (highly rec'd!!)
R.E.M. : Talk About The Passion
R.E.M. : The One I Love
::BONUS TRACKS: Favorite songs NOT on Eponymous::
R.E.M. : I Am Superman
R.E.M. : Perfect Circle (highly rec'd!!)
::Video for So. Central Rain::
Fall on me is a great song, though, to my mind, I believe is the best song on Life's Rich Pageant
Perfect Circle is one of my favorite songs ever. What is your e-mail? I see that you have awesome taste (not many Lucinda Williams fans that I know of) and wanted to tell you a bit more about my music.
--- Mark
She sounds awesome.
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