You Would Be Nothing Without Me. I Could Be Nothing. Said The Waves To The Sand. I Could Be Nothing Without You.

Long on atmosphere and packed with sweet, 70's styled harmonies Great Lake Swimmers' sophmore album Bodies And Minds is a magnificent display of songwriting and gentle production. If you like My Morning Jacket or Iron And Wine, do yourself a favor and check these guys out. For your listening (dis)pleasure:
Great Lake Swimmers: Various Stages
Great Lake Swimmers: Bodies And Minds

On the pop-ish stylee tip, dig Portugal The Man. From Fearless Records press release: "From the desolate post apocalyptic wasteland future of Wasilla, Alaska roams the nomads of Portugal. the Man. Presenting some odd times (and milldly famous faces featuring members of Anatomy of a Ghost and Mash Potato Mitch and the jet puff marshmellow men) to mess with your noodle and some real good times that will smile your faces." For your listening (dis)pleasure:
Porugal The Man: Stables And Chairs
Portugal The Man: Marching With Six