That Fitful Hip. That Spacial Lick.
I'd read about them plenty before. But I don't think I was actually prepared for what they sounded like. I'm not even sure there's a proper adjective around to describe their debut album Thunder Lightning Strike. Demented works for now though. Imagine a children's choir. Now imagine a really talented children's choir. NOW imagine giving them access to all the best musical equipment, boxes and boxes of pixie stix and an endless supply of Mountain Dew. We're halfway there. The Go! Team are an eclecticly mixed group of young musicians from the UK and they make extremely great music to wig out to. But in a good way. For your listening (dis)pleasure:
The Go! Team: The Power Is On
The Go! Team: Get It Together
The Go! Team: Ladyflash
The Go! Team: Friendship Update