What Will Grow Crooked You Can't Make Straight. It's The Price You Gotta Pay.

Being a massive and slightly obsessive Radiohead fan, I seriously wondered if what the world really needed now was a Thom Yorke "solo" album. I know, I know. Claims have been made, statements have been adamant refuting such nonsense. But to be honest, I've dreaded this day for a long time. Being so rudely forced out of my comfort zone. To my surprise however, I found myself supremely digging The Eraser. Towing the line between Kid A and Hail To Thief, the record is a pretty good indication of how those albums would've sounded had Yorke locked the rest of the band out of the studio. More of an exercise in neccessity, the tracks on TE really don't fit the RH mold per se, but yet at the same time have a familiar stamp to them. I guess this really does validate Thom's statement years ago regarding the truth behind Radiohead's songwriting and recording process: "We're like the U.N., and I'm the USA." For your listening (dis)pleasure:
Thom Yorke: Black Swan
Thom Yorke: Harrowdown Hill
Thom Yorke: The Eraser
Thom Yorke: The Clock
a massive fan? are you meaning to suggest that you are large? supremely digging? are you meaning to suggest that your digging of the eraser is supreme and overpowers other diggings of the eraser? you know you know what? learn to write. thanks for the tracks though.
wow anonymous... were you born with that stick up your butt or were you involved in some sort of stick and ass accident?
Thx for comments & thx for reading!
I think the first anonymous is just the kind of pedantic fool we don't need to be bothered with. But thanks for the tracks!
ive listened to this entire album and its absolute crap
To that first anonymous post, I bet you’re a real lonely guy. I imagine you sitting in some musty apartment on the internet all day, trashing peoples blogs and wanking off to really really fucked up anime porn. You know you know what? You learn how to write you dooshbag, and haul ass. If you need any suggestions on how to kill yourself, I’m here for you.
Can everyone feel the love? Yes! Thx for the awesome commenst & thx for reading!
Dear Mr. Anonymous,
I myself am quite possibly far too concerned with grammar for my own good. However, your points were needless and redicilous. Also, the next time you attempt to criticize someone else's writing, do remember that you are not E.E. Cummings, and that thus you should use proper capitalization like the rest of us.
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