Remember A Time When All Was Not Fine. And Up From The Dingy Sewers Came Four Lousy Thieves. Who Flourished Like Trees. Behold The Raconteurs.

What a difference a band makes. Realizing he couldn't contain his power-pop urges any longer, Jack White coralled Detroit buddy Brendan Benson and two-fourths of The Greenhorns to record their absolutely devestating debut album Broken Boy Soldiers. This lo-fi masterpiece is laced with more psychedelic harmonies than a Time/Life 60's rock compilation but never at any time does it feel like the vibe is forced. With a tight sound and even tighter production, The Raconteurs really shouldn't be considered a "super group" a la The Yardbirds or Derek & The Dominos. They're better than that. For your listening (dis)pleasure:
The Raconteurs: Level
The Raconteurs: Hands
The Raconteurs: Call It A Day
The Raconteurs: Blue Veins
An Band style can cause thousands of differences not only in their style of wearing but also in their thoughts, for example I get like a neurotic when I listen Radiohead's music.
Wow really awesome post here.!
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