God Works In Mysterious Ways. And God Gives And Then He Takes. From Me.

(photos courtesy of Josh Rodriguez)
Part revivalist revue, part honky tonk rock, and 100% amazing, Jenny Lewis & The Watson Twins brought their unique stageshow to the Horchow Auditorium in the Dallas Musuem of Art last night. Focusing primarily on material from her excellent solo debut Rabbit Furcoat, Ms. Lewis and her band showed the crowd of 500 why she's the reigning queen of indie rock. Live, the songs from RFC had an opportunity to flex and breathe; sometimes veering dangerously close to achieveing actual lift-off from the drama theater inspired auditorium. Highlights included the raucous new track "Jack Killed Momma," the soul drenched "Born Secular," and the near hushed/no mic performance of "It Wasn't Me." Her ace in the hole though were The Watson Twins, whose harmonic melding with Jenny's voice proved once and for all how completely different an album RFC would've been without their participation. Dressed like a young Loretta Lynne/June Carter Cash, Lewis treated the audience to a near stellar performance that lingered long after the house lights went up and the first round of drinks were hoisted post show. For your listening (dis)pleasure, highlights off of Rabbit Furcoat:
Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins: Big Guns
Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins: It Wasn't Me
Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins: Rise Up With Fists
Jenny Lewis with The Watson Twins: Born Secular
::EDIT:: For some more J-Lew tracks, head on over to My Old Kentucky Blog for Dodge's review of the Nashville show and songs from their appearance on KCRW.
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