You Think That You Can Do Without Me. I Can't Do Anything At All. You Think That You Can Do Without Me. But I Don't Believe In Sundays...
I’m probably not the best candidate to review a Counting Crows album; only because my opinion would most undoubtedly be biased. See, Adam Duritz writes about a lot of my favorite things in life: women, falling in love, falling out of love, unrequited love, urequited lust, drinking, and the West coast. And when I explained this to my sister in law, she just kind of shrugged because she doesn't really condone that kind of mentality anymore. Sadly, she must have forgotten all those times we drove around in my car with the windows down and the AC blasting while we screeched along to August & Everything After, wasted out of our minds. While I don’t think Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings is their best album (that would be This Desert Life) I do feel that it’s the album they’ve always been striving for. Utilizing the spot on idea of splitting the album into “halves” ends up suiting their style quite well because it eliminates the need to create a perfect tracklisting. CC are most definitely an "album" kind of group and SN&SM's continues on their quest to perfect it. For your listening (dis)pleasure:
Counting Crows: 1492 (highly rec'd!!)
Counting Crows: When I Dream Of Michaelangelo (highly rec'd!!)