To be honest with you, the first time I heard
Spoon I was pissed. A couple of years ago, a colleague of my wife, knowing my passion for music, dubbed copies of
Girls Can Tell &
Kill The Moonlight for me. And after sitting through both albums straight through I was mad as hell. How could I have overlooked, slept on, or just plain never been exposed to the brilliance of Britt Daniel until then? I felt cheated. Since that time Spoon have vaulted into my hallowed top 5 which, considering their peers, is no easy feat. With the release of their stellar new disc
Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, Spoon have crafted an insular and heavily melodic piece of work that holds it's own against any of their previous efforts. Not as expansive as
Gimme Fiction, Spoon still remain one of the only bands who can use minimalism and stop gaps in their songwriting to make the tracks seem full. Building off the use of dark themes introduced in 2005's epic GF, Daniel and drummer Jim Eno have once again concoted a staggeringly essential pop record for fans of the band as well as a great introduction for any upcoming ones. Unless Radiohead release something this year, we've got a straight up tie between Spoon and
The Shins for album of the year. For your listening (dis)pleasure:
Spoon: You Got Yr. Cherry Bomb (highly rec'd!!)
Spoon: Finer FeelingsSpoon: Don't Make Me A TargetSpoon: Eddie's Ragga (highly rec'd!!)