You May Miss Me One Day. You May Wish You Hadn't Stayed. You May Forget Me. You May Never Let Me Go.

Let me tell you why I like Sean Lennon. Because he's loaded. Thanks to a generous inheritance from his father, the late John Lennon, Sean never has to worry about money for the rest of his life. And it's this very reason that enables him to make such compelling music. Pure, honest, and insanely catchy. There is no fretting over commercial success. If you like what he lays down on wax, cool. If you don't, hey that's great as well. He makes no bones about who he makes music for: himself and a select group of fans, and on his recently released sophomore album Friendly Fire he more than hit the mark. Filled with lush, harmony laden tracks and an impressive display of naked lyrics, FF oozes out of the speakers and into your heart. A song cycle based loosely on his relationship and subsequent breakup with actress Bijou Phillips, Lennon takes a chance in letting the listener in on some seriously private moments and emotions; to great success. If you're looking for a sublime pop album to fall in love with, look no further. For your listening (dis)pleasure:
Sean Lennon: On Again, Off Again
Sean Lennon: Parachute
Sean Lennon: Headlights
Sean Lennon: Dead Meat
On another note, I've started writing albums reviews for the excellent Silent Uproar site. Check it out!
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